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Tips Every Homeowner Should Know |
July 28, 2014 - Insurance |
Replace washer hoses and refrigerator supply lines every five years
Did you know: The average burst water supply line causes more than $6,000 in property damage? Water damage is one of the most common and costly disasters affecting U.S residences.
Tips: *Inspect the water supply line hoses every 6 months and check for cracks, kinks or areas that are bulging, which most commonly are found near the hose connection.
* Consider installing reinforced braided stainless steel hoses.
Clean your dryer exhaust hose every year and clean the lint filter before and after every load
Did you know: The leading cause of dryer fires is failure to clean the lint filter and exhaust hose?
Tips: *Inspect the exhaust hose for blockages every 6 months.
* Do not leave the dryer running if you are leaving home or when you go to bed.
Ensure smoke detectors are available and working correctly
Did you know: 62% or home fire deaths resulted from fires in properties without smoke detectors? Working smoke detectors are key to saving lives from fire since you may have as little as three minutes to evacuate your home before the fire becomes deadly.
Tips: Replace smoke detector batteries annually.
* Create a family fire drill and escape plan.
Inspect your home before leaving for vacation
Did you know: an 8 inch crack in your pipes can spew up to 250 gallons of water a day?
Tips: * Turn off the water supply to individual fixtures like your washing machine, toilet and sinks before leaving for an extended time.
* Use storm surge protectors on high-end electronics in case bad weather moves into your area.
Establish safety rules for the swimming pool and surrounding area
Did you know: more than 200 children younger than 15 drowned in a swimming pool or spa between Memorial Day and Labor Day in 2013?
Tips: * Never leave children unsupervised around water, even if they know how to swim.
* Enclose the pool on all sides with a self-locking, self-closing fence with vertical bars. Openings in the fence should be no more than four inches wide.
Tips provided by Farmers Insurance. Carl Miller, Agent. RMR Insurance Agency, Rome NY. 315-371-0222.
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